Principal Investigator

Marco Rocca

Marco Rocca is Permanent Researcher in Labour Law at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and affiliated to the DRES research unit (UMR 7354) of the University of Strasbourg. He has also been partner of several research projects at European level, covering industrial relations in the pork meat value chain, labour mobility in the live performance sector, the statistical monitoring of posting of workers, and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on social dialogue in the aviation industry. His research activities focus on temporary labour migration in the European Union, the impact of European economic governance on social rights, as well as on the relationship between EU law and the international protection of labour rights. More information is available on his website.

Post-doc Researcher

Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz

Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz holds a PhD in Work and International Migration and an MSc in Public Policy – both from King’s College London – as well as an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Warsaw. Prior to joining the E-BoP project, she worked with public sector organizations, local governments and international development agencies as a policy officer, project coordinator and as a research consultant conducting mixed-method and quantitative studies across Europe and in Africa. Her research interests revolve around the interplay between work, migration and skills, with a special focus on women and operationalizing measures of socioeconomic empowerment.

Post-doc Researcher

Daniel Elanga Mendogo

Daniel Elanga Mendogo holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Lorraine. His PhD thesis combines methods from applied, experimental and behavioural economics to study different facets of refugees’ behaviour, such as their risk preferences, migration decisions and social integration. Prior to his PhD, he obtained a BA in Economics from the University of Yaounde II – Soa, as well as a BA and Master in Development Economics from the University Clermont Auvergne – CERDI. His research interests cover a wide range of topics related to migration and/or development economics.

PhD Student

Audrey Deverson

Audrey Deverson embarked on her doctoral journey in November 2022 as PhD Student at the European Birds of Passage ERC project. Her work focuses on immigrant women’s access to social security in Europe, and more specifically on the case of female workers in temporary migration situations in France and Spain. Audrey holds a Bachelor’s in Law (Toulouse Capitole University, France) and a Master’s degree in Law and Gender-based violence (University of Valencia, Spain).

PhD Student

Catharina Lopes Scodro

Catharina Lopes Scodro started her doctoral studies as CNRS PhD Candidate in January 2023, at the DRES research unit and the European Birds of Passage project. Her PhD thesis focuses on the regulation of au pairing in the European Union, specifically in France, by investigating the impact of gender and citizenship status on the normative structure. She holds a Bachelor’s in Law from Federal University of Uberlandia and a Master’s in Law from University of São Paulo, both in Brazil. During her past studies, she obtained experience in empirical legal studies, international labour law and discussions on domestic work.