On 15 March, the team took part to the conference organised by our research centre’s social law* team and shared their thoughts on the multifaceted meaning(s) of “social justice” in our respective fields of reserach. In the morning, Catharina Lopes-Scodro presented the evolution of awareness of care work in the international context and the specitifities of au pairing within it. In the afternoon, Audrey Deverson focused on the link between social justice and intersectionality, by exploring the implicit or explicit use of “social class” in CJEU cases. Finally, Marco Rocca, explolred the tensions between different aspects of social justice (equality vs access to opportunities) through the debates surrounding the ethical aspects of temporary labour migration programmes.

*yes, it’s always awkward to translate the French “droit social”, so we opted for the literal translation instead of the heavier “labour and social security law”.