On 21-22 September of 2023, Catharina Lopes Scodro participated to the II Annual Scientific Conference (ASCEA) of the Central European Academy, in Budapest (Hungary). She joined the panel “Discrimination of Workers and Protection of Worker’s Rights in Cross-Border Employment within the EU”, where she presented a paper focused on the investigation of the dynamics of au pairing in the EU labour. In the paper she investigated the scientific literature on au pairing, verifying the different theoretical frameworks related to care transfer.
For this research, Catharina performed a Systematic Literature Review on the basis of the protocol developed for the European Birds of Passage project. This review covered papers, articles, books, and book reviews gathered from a selection of scientific databases. It is meant to provide a solid foundation for Catharina’s PhD work, for which the systematisation effort represents one of the conceptual foundations.
Going beyond the methodological aspect, the II ASCEA represented an opportunity to explore and discuss the intersections between work and borders in different contexts of the EU.