We had our 7th book club on 28 November 2023, where we discussed the book written by Zeneidi (2017) “Gender, Temporary Work, and Migration Management Global Food and Utilitarian Migration in Huelva, Spain”. As a geographer, the author is interested in the margins and the migration of women. This case study of Moroccan seasonal migrant women in Andalusian agriculture is a perfect example of the links between marginality and migration from a gender perspective. In this book, based on interviews with migrant women, the author aims to use the issue of space to highlight the dialectical relationship between domination and emancipation. In our discussions, we were particularly drawn to the image of “temporary spaces” created by/for temporary workers, something which resonates with the researches dealing with the “invisible villages” created for posted workers employed in large building sites.

This book club gave us the opportunity to discuss a well-known example of temporary labour migration and to take a closer look at the question of gender, which is at the heart of the research questions explored by both Audrey and Catharina, our PhD researchers.