On 23 February 2024, our team collectively read and discussed a selection of chapters from the book “Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law”, edited by Bernard Ryan and Rebecca Zahn (2023). This book is composed of fourteen chapters, presenting different national frameworks and paradoxes between labour and migration law.

For the Journal Club, the team focused on some chapters that explored those paradoxes within several approaches. Ryan (Chapter 1), for instance, investigated to the potential correlations between the employment law reforms and the effects of labour migration; while Zou (Chapter 12), presented the main ethical arguments for justifying the restriction of rights of temporary labour migrants, together with the role of the right to exit for migrant workers.

This book reunited interesting reflections regarding how the effects of labour migration is being investigated when considering labour and employment law. Several chapters also adpted approached the scope of their subject in a manner similar to E-BoP, by analysing together temporary labour migration both inside and to the EU.