On 20 February 2024, our colleague Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz presented the Seminar “Statistics crash course: Introduction to data analysis” at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA). In the two-parts seminar, she presented the main introductory concepts to data analysis – related to types of statistical data, relationships between data, key statistical concepts – and then the main measures and sources for exploring labour market and migration statistics.

The seminar was an opportunity to enhance the knowledge and practice on interdisciplinary research. It provided an entry point for researchers in law to concepts of quantitative and mixed methods approaches, followed by an informal discussion, and a collective reflection of its potential integration in ongoing and future research.

The seminar is part of the commitment of E-BoP to the training of legal researchers, whether “early career” or not, to interdiscplinary methods.