25 June 2023, Warsaw

From 25 to 27 June 2023 our team participated of the Biennial Conference of the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN6) in Warsaw, Poland. The Conference reunited labour law scholars from different countries, and was a joint organisational effort of the Law Faculties of Warsaw and Łódź.

Our principal investigator, Marco Rocca, participated to the opening plenary session with a presentation titled “The new old ways: from interdisciplinarity to systematic reviews”. This explored the methodological path to systematise legal documents, in order to proceed with their analysis. This procedure has some Steps, which can help to produce transparency and reproducibility in legal researches. The complete presentation (audio and slides) is available on YouTube: The session also included presentations by professsors Aelim Yun (Korean Institute of Workers’ Rights’), Roberto da Silva Fragale Filho, (Universidade Federal Fluminense), and Ruth Dukes (University of Glasgow), and was chaired by Tonia Novitz (former Chair of the Labour Law Research Network Steering Committee, University of Bristol).

Marco also participated in the organisation of the Pannel “Temporary labour migration in the European Union: rights, numbers, and labour markets”, together with Zane Rasnaça (ETUI and KU Leuven) and Vladimir Bogoeski (University of Amsterdam). Our team presented two papers, respectively on “Temporary labour migration in the EU and the shifting legal border of the labour market” (Audrey Deverson and Marco Rocca) and on “Temporary labour migration and the legal status of au pairing” (Catharina Lopes Scodro). Audrey and Marco investigated the use of the concept of “labour market” in the legal regulation of (temporary) labour migration in the European Union (EU), while Catharina presented a mapping of the legal status of au pairs in the European countries that have signed, ratified, and implemented the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement (1969). Both papers used systematic document analysis and are developed in the context of the European Birds of Passage project.