One of our PhD students at the conference “Étranger et droit”
On 27 September 2024, our PhD student Audrey Deverson presented her paper Une analyse critique du droit européen de la migration de travail (A critical

E-BoP Journal Club #13 – Global care chains and intermediaries in care labour market, by Parreñas et al. (2022) and Matuszcyk et al. (2019)
In September 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two pieces of research delving into debates regarding domestic and care work: ‘Global care chains’ by Gianne

Research Seminar “(Temporary) Labour Migration and Domestic Work in the EU: Time, Borders, and Vulnerabilities”
The E-BoP team is busy organising our next event! On 10 October (4PM Paris time) we will host a seminar on Labour Migration and Domestic

Precariousness and migration
The two doctoral students from our team, Audrey Deverson and Catharina Lopes Scodro, are jointly developing a paper on the use of the concept of

Online Seminar on the Australian reform of temporary migration
On 12 September (10AM Paris Time) we will be (digitally) welcoming Kate Golebiowska to discuss the recent reform of temporary migration in Australia. Kate is

Back from our first Summer School
From 1 to 4 July 2024 we ran our first Summer School. 10 participants and 8 speakers got together at the Institut du Travail (Labour