The E-BoP Summer School call opens today!
The whole E-BoP team is thrilled to announce the opening of the call for participants for our first Summer School! During the last couple of

E-BoP Journal Club #8 – Workers without Borders – posted work and precarity in the EU (Wagner, 2018)
On 30 January 2024 the EBoP team came together to discuss “Workers without Borders – posted work and precarity in the EU” (2018) by Ines Wagner

EBoP poster presentation during the IRVAPP Advanced School on Methods for Impact Evaluation
Our postdoctoral researecher, Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz, presented her research at the “Advanced School on Methods for Impact Evaluation” event organised by the Research Institute for the

Working in agriculture: between seasonal and displaced labour
Audrey Deverson, presented her paper “Trabajar en la agricultura: entre trabajo estacional y trabajo desplazado” during the II Congress of AIDAM at the University of

E-BoP Journal Club #7 – Gender, Temporary Work, and Migration Management (Zeneidi, 2017)
We had our 7th book club on 28 November 2023, where we discussed the book written by Zeneidi (2017) “Gender, Temporary Work, and Migration Management

Subcontracting in the agricultural sector
On 23 and 24 November 2023, Marco Rocca, our PI, participated to the international conference “Externalisation de l’activité dans l’agriculture” (Subcontracting in the agricultural sector)