E-BoP Journal Club #16 – Labour Migration Policies and Agriculture

On 19 December 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two documents dealing with migration policies and the exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture: a journal article entitled ‘The agrifood-migration nexus: migration regimes and the politics of labour shortages in Italy and Sweden’ by Alessandra Corrado, Lucio Pisacane & Cristián Alarcón Ferrari (2024) and a report […]
E-BoP Journal Club #17 – Agriculture and Migration in Poland

On 16 January, we inaugurated our first 2025 Journal Club! For this session, we decided to follow up our discussion of temporary labour migration in agriculture with two articles: Górny and Kaczmarczyk (2020), ‘Temporary farmworkers and migration transition On a changing role of the agricultural sector in international labour migration to Poland’ and Matuszczyk (2024), […]
Research Seminar: (Temporary) Labour Migration and Agriculture in the EU: Time, Borders, and Vulnerabilities

Happy new year from the E-BoP team! With the Winter break now behind us, we are happy to announce our next event. On 7 March (9AM – noon-ish, Paris time) we will host a seminar on “(Temporary) Labour Migration and Agriculture Work in the EU”. It will be held in Strasbourg at the Law Faculty […]
One of our PhD Students at the conference “(In)justice reproductive”

Our PhD student Audrey Deverson recently presented her paper Droit et injustice reproductive: le cas des migrantes saisonnières (Law and reproductive injustice: the case of seasonal migrant women) during the Conference (In)justice reproductive, hosted at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (Paris, France) on 28 and 29 November 2024. During her presentation, Audrey […]
E-BoP Journal Club #15 – Low-Paid EU Migrant Workers. The House, The Street, The Town (Barnard, Costello, and Fraser Butlin,

On 21 November, the EBoP team members and colleagues discussed ‘Low-Paid EU Migrant Workers. The House, The Street, The Town’ by Catherine Barnard, Fiona Costello and Sarah Fraser Butlin. The book offers an in-depth exploration of the lives of the less visible – low-paid, remote – EU migrant workers, living and working in a small […]
E-BoP Journal Club 14 ‘Meet the Author’ with Vera Pavlou

On 10 October 2024, our team had the pleasure to welcome Professor Vera Pavlou (University of Glasgow) in Strasbourg. We took the opportunity to change the format our monthly Journal Club to a “Meet the Author” session. Notably, we discussed Vera’s book, ‘Migrant domestic workers in the Europe: Law and the Construction of Vulnerability’ (Hart, […]
One of our PhD students at the conference “Étranger et droit”

On 27 September 2024, our PhD student Audrey Deverson presented her paper Une analyse critique du droit européen de la migration de travail (A critical analysis of the EU legeal framework for labour migration) during the conference Étranger et droit, organised at the University of Reims (France). In her presentation, she focused on the differences […]
E-BoP Journal Club #13 – Global care chains and intermediaries in care labour market, by Parreñas et al. (2022) and Matuszcyk et al. (2019)

In September 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two pieces of research delving into debates regarding domestic and care work: ‘Global care chains’ by Gianne Sheena Sabio, Kritika Pandey and Rhacel Salazar Parreñas (2022) and ‘Private Labor Market Intermediaries in the Europeanized Live-in Care Market between Germany and Poland: A Typology’ by Simone Leiber, Kamil […]
Research Seminar “(Temporary) Labour Migration and Domestic Work in the EU: Time, Borders, and Vulnerabilities”

The E-BoP team is busy organising our next event! On 10 October (4PM Paris time) we will host a seminar on Labour Migration and Domestic Work in the EU. It will be held in Strasbourg at the Law Faculty (details in the pdf below if you’re close enough to join us!) but it will also […]
Precariousness and migration

The two doctoral students from our team, Audrey Deverson and Catharina Lopes Scodro, are jointly developing a paper on the use of the concept of “precariousness” in relation with labour migration. They presented the first results of this research at the European Society for Empirical Legal Studies conference in Elche (June 2024) and the 22nd […]