Research Seminar: (Temporary) Labour Migration and Agriculture in the EU: Time, Borders, and Vulnerabilities

Happy new year from the E-BoP team! With the Winter break now behind us, we are happy to announce our next event. On 7 March (9AM – noon-ish, Paris time) we will host a seminar on “(Temporary) Labour Migration and Agriculture Work in the EU”. It will be held in Strasbourg at the Law Faculty […]
Chasing the border of the labour market

…and anyway, what is a national labour market, once you start thinking about it? — Bridget Anderson, Who is a migrant?, “Who Do We Think We Are?” Podcast Author: Marco Rocca In our recent article, Audrey Deverson and I explore the legal meaning of the concepts of “temporariness” and “labour market” in the context of […]